
The Fontana Clogging Jamboree is held in late September each year at Fontana Village Resort in Western North Carolina. Because of COVID-19, this year’s event scheduled for September 19 and 20 was not possible, so event coordinators Naomi Pyle and Jeff Driggs organized this virtual “Fun DistDance” to give cloggers a chance to do some cued fun dancing while socially distanced on the Jamboree weekend.

Next year’s Fontana Clogging Jamboree is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, September 24 and 25, 2021. https://www.fontanaworkshop.com

This YouTube event features clogging fun dance routines cued by staff instructors Naomi Pyle from Indiana, Jeff Driggs from West Virginia, Chip Summey from North Carolina, Barry Welch from California, Sherry and Gavin Cox from Tennessee, Tim Smith from Nevada, Melissa Pack from Tennessee, Morgan Hudson from Kentucky, and Trevor DeWitt from Indiana. Because the Fontana Clogging Jamboree each year features a bluegrass concert, the YouTube event ends with a special segment with bluegrass group Cane Mill Road https://www.canemillroad.com

Cuesheets for the routines cued in this fun dance can be found at https://www.fontanaworkshop.com, https://www.doubletoe.com or https://www.clogdancing.com

Special thanks to ClogDancing.com and Trevor DeWitt for their work in hosting this YouTube event and editing its content. Also thanks to all of the cuers and dancers from the Worldwide Clogging Fun Dance Project and to Hanna Healy for their work in creating many of the cued segments that are included.

Plans are already underway for the 2021 Fontana Clogging Jamboree. For more information, check the Jamboree’s FaceBook page at https://www.facebook.com/FontanaClogg… or website https://www.fontanaworkshop.com

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Download the cue sheets for the 2020 Fontana Fun DistDance