LDE/Leslie's Dance & Tumbling
About Me

Hi there! I LOVE dance! I am a lifelong dancer and learner. I was trained in ballet, tap, jazz, pointe, tumbling and first certified in those subjects through Dance Masters of America and Chicago Nat’l Assoc of Dance Masters. I was drawn to learn about clogging and went to Missy Shinoski’s City Slicker Stomp in Kansas City – not really knowing anything! My first class I went to was an advanced class – I was blown away – I leaned over to the lady next to me and said – is this tap or clog? HAHAHA I was in a power tap class….and so my interest blossomed! I ordered the DVD set from Steve Smith and began my learning journey – so fun! I went to Lincoln , NE clog workshops “Clog Your Socks Off” hosted by Capital City Dance Shack – Olivia Harrison and her son Joel Harrison. I eventually started hiring Joel to choreograph out Show routines. We compete in the “Dance World” not in the “Clog World”. The cloggers on my dance competition team have brought home high honors in group, solo, duet and trio categories – they worked hard and it showed!  I decided I wanted to get CCI certified through C.L.O.G. My friends and dance friends teased me – Leslie you are 51 years old and a well established teacher – Why do you want to do this??? Because I can!!!! I met great people and enjoyed the whole experience. I love to teach beginner to advanced dancers! I have gone to traditional dance studios and created a ‘clog style and step work’ routine for tap dancers as well as teaching recreational classes, competition classes, and private lessons. I really enjoy doing choreography, editing music, and teaching the routines. I would like to start a program where I teach traditional dance teachers about the Clog world! I am in my 40th year of teaching. Call me for workshops and choreography! Happy dancing my friends!

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